


ICM 2022와 IMU 총회 관련 IMU 결정에 대한 대한수학회의 입장

관리자 hit 1016 date 2022-03-08

ICM 2022와 IMU 총회 관련 IMU 결정에 대한 대한수학회의 입장

대한수학회는 ICM 2022와 IMU 총회에 관한 IMU의 결정[바로가기]을 적극 지지하며, 이에 관한 대한수학회의 입장을 아래와 같이 표명합니다. 

The Korean Mathematical Society (KMS) is deeply troubled by the Russian armed forces recent attack on Ukraine. The KMS stands with the International Mathematical Union (IMU)s decision to withdraw its plan to host the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in St. Petersburg, Russia and move it online to protest against the Russian governments recent acts of violence on Ukraine. The international communities of mathematicians have actively built fertile grounds for inspiration and collaboration, with the ICM being the pinnacle of such efforts. However, the current political situation abruptly impedes our Russian colleagues effort to foster global interactions among mathematicians through the ICM in their home country. As a former host of a recent ICM, we understand the weight of such effort and naturally the grief that comes with the lost opportunity. The violence we are witnessing in Ukraine violates our collaborative spirit and academic commitments. We stand with our colleagues in Ukraine, Russia, and all over the world, who are fighting against this violence while trying to sustain our global community. We urge the Russian government to consider peaceful options.


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